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YATTAAAAAAA!!!! (Translation – I DID IT!)

Sep 27, 2015 | News

We seriously love this guys reaction to getting through the hardest level in Super Mario Maker.

Other things he says besides ‘I did it’ are ‘Mum, get the camera!’ and he also complains about how much his hands hurt.

The best bit though? The quiet sobs of joy and relief. Any gamer will understand those!

The feeling of finishing the ‘impossible’ level, that feeling of joy and sweet, sweet relief! Ah, takes us back to when we first broke through the pain barrier of our first intense gaming session… *wipes away a tear*

Good times, good times.

This success comes nine days (according to when it was published on YouTube) after Nintendo announced its new president.

Tatsumi Kimishima, 65, is now representative director and president of Nintendo in the wake of the death of Satoru Iwata, who died from cancer earlier this year.

The biggest video game company in the world is set to take some bold new leaps soon, with the launch of its NX console coming later this year (just in time for Christmas is our guess), as well as the launch of their first mobile game. They will also be creating a brand new platform based around creating an ecosystem of games, consoles, mobile apps and PC apps from the ground up. So Kimishima has his work cut out for him behind the reigns of Nintendo but we have faith in him!

We here at RedLine Digital hope that Kimishima himself can someday scream ‘YATTAAAAAAAAA!!!’ by succeeding in keeping Nintendo in the forefront of consumers minds for quality video games throughout his time as president.

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