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Which country spends the most?

Nov 17, 2015 | News

We all know that the e-commerce market is massive, but who’s doing most of the buying?

This infographic compiled by Expert Market with information from German statistic firm Statista gives us a breakdown of where the most money is spent.

The information has been compiled from 50 countries around the world that have the best internet connection as this (of course) is paramount to e-commerce spending.

Hong Kong is the leader with an average spend each year of $2,868 per customer, followed by Norway with an average of $2,448. Israel is third with the average customer buying $2,171 worth of online goods per year.

It’s not surprising to see that e-commerce spend correlates strongly with how wealthy the county is.

The most interesting information we’ve got from this though is how much Australians spend. It’s $977 on average per year in the e-commerce world.

Check out the full infographic below to see how the other countries rank!

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