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Performance driven SEO

Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) marketing

Social Media

Attract new customers with social media


Web Design

Industry leading web design


Next-level animation

Photo & Video

Grab attention with better imagery


Web Development

User-centric web development


Supercharge your sales with e-commerce

Custom Solutions

One of a kind custom development solutions


Digital Strategy

Digital strategy for rapid business growth

Marketing Solutions

Smarter marketing solutions


Full service branding

Attract new customers with social media

Social media is our generation’s most powerful marketing tool. Used well, it can connect you to your ideal customers, build brand awareness and increase sales.

Redline Digital is your local Melbourne social media agency. Our social media marketing service covers everything you need to plan and execute an ad campaign that targets your ideal customer, increases enquiry, and boosts your bottom line.

Grow your business – interact with customers

Over 80% of Australians use social media, scrolling for an average of 2.5 hours every day. If your business isn’t using social media marketing, you’re missing a huge opportunity.

With a little creativity and smart targeting, you can find and engage with your ideal customers, boost website traffic, and lodge your brand in the minds of customers.

High performance social media campaigns

Redline Digital’s social media marketing service connects you directly to our social media specialists. No outrageous fees – just campaigns that drive real results.

Our social media service adapts depending on your business’s needs, goals and existing social media presence. It includes full management of all social channels, from Facebook and LinkedIn to Instagram and Twitter.

Typically starting with a brand uplift campaign, our goal is to increase engagement and get as many eyes on your brand as possible. This will include regular organic posting, boosting posts and targeted ad campaigns. Next, we’ll analyse the interaction on your posts and create custom audiences based on the type of person most likely to respond to your brand. This allows us to fine tune our audience targeting so that we can ensure your social media campaigns achieve the best possible return on investment. Last of all we track, measure and report on all performance results so you know exactly what’s going on.

We’re adaptive and assist with as little or as much social media management as required.

Experts in all the major social platforms

We are your trusted source of information when it comes to anything in social media management. Count on us to advise you, craft an effective strategy, and drive results.

Redline Digital social media agency Melbourne

Redline Digital isn’t like most social media agencies. We work to understand your business goals then build custom campaigns to achieve them – no fuss, just results.

Get in touch today to start a social media campaign.

Let's work together

Ready to accelerate your online business growth? Get in touch and let’s make it happen together.