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5 Reasons You Need a Digital Strategy

Jul 13, 2016 | Digital Marketing

Today’s post was brought to you by our friends, Stigan Media. Stigan Media is a full service Digital Marketing and Web Design agency servicing businesses in Vancouver, Canada, with highly effective digital strategies. If you’re a business owner in Vancouver, please get in touch with the highly skilled staff at Stigan.

As the world moves further away from traditional methods of communication and into the digital age, the way that companies and businesses reach their target markets has evolved. Companies around the world are seeking to get the most out of their advertising and marketing spend. Focusing on digital channels allows them to do so, especially when formulating a fully integrated digital strategy that incorporates a diverse range of digital media, from desktops to mobile platforms. Below you will find five reasons why a digital strategy is necessary for improving the way your business connects with your market online, and helps you achieve your overall goals by knowing which channels generate the highest ROI.

Capture More Leads

By incorporating a diverse mix of digital marketing platforms into your strategy, you will better enable your business to reach a wider audience that can lead to higher traffic on your site and more sales being generated as a result. By creating a cohesive digital strategy that has a specific target audience in mind, you can reach them more effectively via the platforms they prefer to engage with. Some may prefer Google searches, while others may spend more time on social media sites like Facebook, where they can be targeted with native ads integrated directly onto their feeds. To discover which channel will yield the best results, it is important to have a digital marketing strategy that features a strong assortment of digital platforms with a specific goal in mind.

Gives Your Company Better Direction

One major advantage a digital strategy can provide is the ability to keep everyone in your company and your marketing agency moving in the same direction towards the same set of goals. As mentioned above, a digital strategy can help you get the most out of your online marketing as long as you have specific goals in mind. This means that simply looking to generally improve sales or online engagements is too vague. A cohesive digital strategy will enable you to set specific goals and keep track of your progress as you advance towards achieving those goals.

Adapt to a Changing Market

Everyone living and working in major cities has witnessed the rapid increase in the number of smartphone users over the past five years. You can hardly walk a block down the street without seeing someone using their phone, which makes the recent announcement from Comscore stating that the number of mobile-only users has now surpassed the number of desktop-only users seem far less surprising. As the number of mobile-only internet users grows, the very nature of online advertising is shifting into a mobile-friendly reality, giving companies who already have a digital strategy in place an advantage over the competition. This is due to the fact that many digital marketers are well aware of the constantly changing landscape of the digital world, and are always ready to adapt to better serve their clients without missing a step.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

Having an up to date digital strategy that can help your business adapt to such changes isn’t the only way to ensure that you stay ahead of your competition. By implementing an integrated digital strategy that includes analytics, you can track changes in your customer’s behaviour and use that information to continuously improve your marketing efforts. It allows you to go back and review what worked and what didn’t, allowing you to optimise the strategy and the execution of as you move forward, according to the goals you’ve set and the benchmarks you use to track your progress. This straightforward approach will always allow for improvement wherever necessary, so long as you and your digital marketing team remain on top of the analytical data that is provided in your digital strategy.

Improved ROI

Creating an effective digital marketing strategy for your company often requires a significant initial investment, which is why a lot of businesses shy away from the notion at first, especially if they are comfortable with the amount of business generated by their existing traditional marketing strategy. What many of these companies are unaware of however, is the fact that a digital strategy isn’t limited to advertising a website alone, and can quickly lead to exponential growth. A truly effective digital strategy will include a large number of online engagement methods including email blasts with promotional content, social media and app management, SEO, and content generators/bloggers. These are just a few examples of the many aspects of a digital strategy that, when combined with the analytics discussed earlier which measure the success of these executions, can be extremely effective when it comes to increasing market share and delivering a strong ROI.

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