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4 tips for developing compelling landing pages

On average, businesses experience most visitors drop off within the first 8 seconds of visiting their website. As one of the first things a user sees, a functioning and thoughtful landing page can help secure high conversion rates and achieve more of your business goals.

The difference between a landing page and a home page

Your landing page is where users “land” after clicking on a website from Google search. It will generally allow you to capture that person’s information through conversion forms. These pages are not your home page – they are targeted to specific audiences, allowing you to offer value while converting these visitors into leads.

Home pages are more general and usually more populated with content. Landing pages are segmented and targeted at a specific type of visitor, and only highlight the exact product or service they’re interested in. These landing pages are built solely to generate leads and increase conversion.

In order to impress new customers and grow those leads, there are four tips that you can implement to help your landing pages succeed.


What can you do to help your landing page thrive?

There’s no magic formula for the perfect landing page. However, these are some visual and text-related tips that you can use to increase your landing pages’ success.


1. Incorporate visual elements such as video and trust badges

According to studies from Eyeview Digital, video on landing pages can help increase conversion by up to 80 per cent. Video is a much easier way to communicate information, rather than big blocks of text that people don’t have the time or inclination to read.

Videos can also be a creative way to share information about your brand’s personality, showcasing your team members and the more personal elements behind your product or service. All of these factors can convince visitors to stay on your page longer and continue their customer journey.

Trust badges are another visual element that can positively affect your brand’s image. A trust badge is proof of reputation or work, such as a rating or a past client.


2. Create strong and concise copy

While visuals are important, they need to work hand-in-hand with succinct and engaging web copy. Your copy needs to confirm what your visuals communicate and reinforce what a visitor needs to know about your business.

Great copy starts with a clear and bold headline to catch a user’s attention, followed by strong and compelling information to highlight what you offer. Ideally presented in bullet point format, the main text will focus on how your service or product can specifically benefit the visitor.

With your web copy, it’s integral that you don’t make it generic – it needs to be as engaging and personalised as possible.


3. Use a strong call-to-action (CTA)

A key part of your web copy for landing pages is using strong call-to-action (CTA) phrases. A landing page’s headline and introduction should guide your visitor to make a decision, which can be aided to completion by use of a strong CTA.

For example, a strong CTA will direct a user to fill out a form, or sign up for your product and/or service. No matter the intended action, it’s important to consider a few steps when constructing this part of your user’s journey:

  • Communicate what incentive the visitor has for completing the suggested action. (E.g. a free eBook, free trial)
  • Keep the form short and concise like your copy
  • Stay away from language like ‘subscribe’, ‘sign up’ or ‘download this’. It’s best practice to use more inviting language like ‘discover’, ‘read more’, ‘let’s talk’, ‘see my results’, ‘get your estimate’, ‘generate more clicks’ and ‘get started’

When writing your CTAs, think of opportunities to create a sense of urgency for the consumer. You can do this by introducing elements such as limited-time discounts, products that are selling out, and other time-sensitive offers.

This sense of a limited and popular product can help persuade potential customers to act quickly and make a purchase, acting on their FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) instinct.


4. Optimise it for mobile devices

Optimising your landing page (and entire website) for mobile devices is an integral factor in marketing success. Keeping your web copy concise and visual elements sized correctly for the smaller mobile screen is key, because users expect this fluidity of experience on their screens now.

67 percent of consumers admit to “digital window shopping” for fun on their smartphones, with 77 percent of those making impulse purchases when they do. With a correctly optimised site, your brand can take advantage of the majority of users’ digital purchasing habits.


More tips?

If you’re interested in finding out more about what other steps you can take to create a compelling landing page, the team at Redline Digital could help you.

Our team are digital marketing experts who stay ahead of the curve. We make it our business to master the best digital marketing techniques and strategies, passing our expertise on to you.

To learn more about how Redline Digital can help your landing page really take off, contact the team today.

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