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3 Aussie companies using YouTube to smash their digital marketing goals

Let’s face it – for many businesses, YouTube has a reputation for being thrown into the ‘too hard’ basket. It seems difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Even when it comes to small business marketing, an effective YouTube account can help you create a community, demonstrate products and expertise and help you showcase your brand’s personality. Plus, fresh, original content is always great for your SEO. Sound good? It really is! Here are a few Aussie brands that have nailed the YouTube scene to give you a little more inspiration.


1.      Commonwealth Bank

You’d think one of Australia’s leading financial institutions would turn its nose up at a platform for teenage bloggers and cat enthusiasts. But this Big 4 Bank’s marketing team is clearly leveraging off YouTube and its many benefits. The bank’s channel boasts 9.7 thousand subscribers and provides viewers with a range of content; from advertisements and interviews to instructional videos and advice. If you’re a financial services business, it’s worth providing your customers with information that can help them make the right decisions. Plus, if you get the content right, it’ll help you establish a reputation as a thought leader in your industry.


2.      Seafolly Australia

Beaches, babes, bikinis – that’s Seafolly. This lifestyle fashion brand is perfectly reflected through the content on its YouTube account, designed to inspire customers to buy into a carefree and youthful way of life. If you’re a lifestyle brand, take note. Create videos that are visually pleasing and that paint a picture of a life that your customers could have if they associate with your business. The aim is to entice your viewers and show them exactly what you stand for. In this case, Seafolly reflects style and seduction through interviews with models on set, new launch sneak peeks, fashion shows and collaborations.


3.      Mountain Goat

Besides its delicious craft beers and ciders, the Mountain Goat brand is much loved by Aussies for its original sense of humour. Its YouTube content expresses the quirky Mountain Goat brand well, with funny clips and ads that definitely warrant a laugh. If you’re in a similar industry and have a consumer product, stay true to your brand and create clips that showcase your involvement in events. Smart YouTube content can reflect the unique character and values that connect with the interests of your customers.


Now that you’ve got a taste for some quality YouTube content, what are you waiting for? YouTube is an underrated – and underutilised ­– business platform that can really help your brand gain more traction and recognition. Talk to us today about kicking off a digital marketing plan that puts YouTube at centre stage.

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